Monday, October 27, 2008

Assignment 4c

Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society".
This fits into our studies because we are studying history and cultures from all over the world. We are researching history and past generations all over the world.
Andrea Balistreri
I learned that "The Inca population lived in the part of South America that extended from the Equator to the pacific Coast of Chile. The Inca empire only lasted not quite 100 years, from 1438AD to about 1532. The highest point in an Inca village was reserved for religious purposes." I noticed that she said the highest point was reserved for religious purposes. I found they used to build their temples high into the heavens. Did this make them feel closer to god?
Emma Lundborg
She also studied the 21 California missions and from her I learned "the Franciscans were able to turn California into a totally different land. It went from being the Native American's land to Spain's land, because the missions had control of the Native Americans and their lifestyle had been changed forever."

Assignment 4b


I see my hometown. I see history. I see white buildings and beautiful rolling hills with bright green trees in the background.
I chose this work of art because it is a piece of home to me. I decided to study California missions and what better mission to study than one in my very own home town. I feel comfortable and I enjoy it. I see familiar buildings ones that I can drive 10 minutes or less and see in person right now.

I know that the mission is located in Sonoma but I would like to know when this picture was created. I see familiar buildings on all of the corners surrounding this picture. But I do not see the park located in the foreground. Was this picture created before the park was there?

Assignment 4A

The act or process of conquering.
Something, such as territory, acquired by conquering.
One that has been captivated or overcome: The pianist made a conquest of every audience on the tour.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *conquaesīta, feminine past participle of *conquaerere, to conquer. ]
Of, relating to, possessing, or inhabiting a colony or colonies.
often Colonial
a. Of or relating to the 13 British colonies that became the original United States of America.
b. Of or relating to the colonial period in the United States.
often Colonial Of, relating to, or being a style of architecture and furniture prevalent in the American colonies just before and during the Revolution.
Living in, consisting of, or forming a colony: colonial organisms.n.
An inhabitant of a colony.
A house designed in an architectural style reminiscent of the one prevalent in the American colonies just before and during the Revolution.
California Missions
I chose California missions because they are so close to home. I have lived in sonoma all of my life and there is a mission right down town. I actually went there for a field trip as a young child but I do not remember anything about it! I thought it would be interesting to study something that is so close.
The 21st mission was located right here in Sonoma. It was founded on July 4, 1823 by a young padre without the knowledge of his superiors. He was encouraged by the governor, who wanted a buffer between the prosperous Bay Area settlements and the Russians, who had advanced down the California coast as far as Fort Ross. He intended to move everything from Dolores to the new mission but after a debate they decided to keep both missions on their own seperate courses.
The russian fur trader turned out to be very friendly and even shared their supplies and donated the Russian style liberty bells.
The mission ended up serving many years as a church and then it was abandoned. Today the mission and a part of the town square at Sonoma have been restored as a California State Historic Park.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Classmate Matthew McDonald
Friere found his passion thru his own life experiences. He had many troubles in early life and was able to tearn his life around and try to help others so that they may have a brighter future. He found that teachers could not even read or write and how could they teach others to. He felt literacy was very important. Which it is! In order to truely be a member of society you should have a voice. We have a voice by voting. you must know how to read and write in order to do so.

Classmate Mary Anne He Meier
Friere valued education and wanted to spend his life educated others so they would not have to experience the same life that he did. He lived thru the depression and knew what it was like to be poor, hungry and so on. He also knew what ti was like to be put in prison. He truely wanted to turn the world into a better place. He is a parefect example that one person can make a difference.
Class relevance
I think that friere is very relevant to this class in many ways. I think he is a huge part of the history of Latin america. Also he valued literacy and what would this world be like today if we could not read? How would we vote? We would not even be able to use our computers to take an online course for that matter. He is really an inspriation of how one person can make a difference.


Lost Temples: Mayan Pyramids of Chichen Itza

I actually got this video from our instructor. This was my favorite. When I watched the video I really enjoyed the beauty of it. It is relevant to our studies because it is from Latin America and it is full of culture and art. I think it is really amazing how people used to take such pride in building back then. You do not find the same kind of natural beauty today. I think this artwork is really about history. They took such pride in everything they did. I was fascinated by all of the scriptures and art work on the walls and carved into the rocks. I chose this work of art because it was the only one that really reached out and grabbed me.

I know that they built their castle over 100 feet high into the heavens. I wonder why? Did that make them closer to god?
They sacrificed their people into their a well which was their only water supply. I wonder why did they sacrifice innocent people like that?
The castle had exactly 365 steps to the top the same number as there is days of the year. What did they thnk the significance was to that?
They had a large ball field and they would play ball and the looser would then be sacrificed. Why would anyone play if they knew they would die if they lost?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Assignment 3a

"The pre-Columbian era incorporates all period subdivisions in the history and prehistory of the Americas before the appearance of significant European influences on the American continents." Technically this refers to the era before Christopher Columbus.However, usually it includes the history of American cultures until they were conquered Europeans, even if it happened after Columbus
Why I chose this topic is because when I was watching the video I really enjoyed the art and scriptures all it. I saw it as beautiful.
Three interesting facts about this monument would include:
1. The earliest artifacts were found to date between AD 1 to 250, it is most likely that this place was settled way earlier than that. "Proto-Mayan tribes had inhabited the flat limestone plateau that makes up much of the Yucatan peninsula for at least 8000 years."
2. They used to think the city was occupied several times by various groups of people, beginning with the Maya and ending with Toltec invaders from the city of Tula in central Mexico. After much research they now know that the Maya occupied Chichen Itza continuously.
3. In the famous "Cenote Sagrado" the Maya sacrificed objects and human beings into the cenote as a form of worship to the Maya rain god Chaac.
All cites listed above are credible because the video I chose was given by the instructor, and all of the websites that I researched had information that was very similar to wikipedia.