Thursday, October 16, 2008


Classmate Matthew McDonald
Friere found his passion thru his own life experiences. He had many troubles in early life and was able to tearn his life around and try to help others so that they may have a brighter future. He found that teachers could not even read or write and how could they teach others to. He felt literacy was very important. Which it is! In order to truely be a member of society you should have a voice. We have a voice by voting. you must know how to read and write in order to do so.

Classmate Mary Anne He Meier
Friere valued education and wanted to spend his life educated others so they would not have to experience the same life that he did. He lived thru the depression and knew what it was like to be poor, hungry and so on. He also knew what ti was like to be put in prison. He truely wanted to turn the world into a better place. He is a parefect example that one person can make a difference.
Class relevance
I think that friere is very relevant to this class in many ways. I think he is a huge part of the history of Latin america. Also he valued literacy and what would this world be like today if we could not read? How would we vote? We would not even be able to use our computers to take an online course for that matter. He is really an inspriation of how one person can make a difference.

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