Thursday, October 16, 2008


Lost Temples: Mayan Pyramids of Chichen Itza

I actually got this video from our instructor. This was my favorite. When I watched the video I really enjoyed the beauty of it. It is relevant to our studies because it is from Latin America and it is full of culture and art. I think it is really amazing how people used to take such pride in building back then. You do not find the same kind of natural beauty today. I think this artwork is really about history. They took such pride in everything they did. I was fascinated by all of the scriptures and art work on the walls and carved into the rocks. I chose this work of art because it was the only one that really reached out and grabbed me.

I know that they built their castle over 100 feet high into the heavens. I wonder why? Did that make them closer to god?
They sacrificed their people into their a well which was their only water supply. I wonder why did they sacrifice innocent people like that?
The castle had exactly 365 steps to the top the same number as there is days of the year. What did they thnk the significance was to that?
They had a large ball field and they would play ball and the looser would then be sacrificed. Why would anyone play if they knew they would die if they lost?

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