Monday, October 27, 2008

Assignment 4c

Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation. Culture has been called "the way of life for an entire society".
This fits into our studies because we are studying history and cultures from all over the world. We are researching history and past generations all over the world.
Andrea Balistreri
I learned that "The Inca population lived in the part of South America that extended from the Equator to the pacific Coast of Chile. The Inca empire only lasted not quite 100 years, from 1438AD to about 1532. The highest point in an Inca village was reserved for religious purposes." I noticed that she said the highest point was reserved for religious purposes. I found they used to build their temples high into the heavens. Did this make them feel closer to god?
Emma Lundborg
She also studied the 21 California missions and from her I learned "the Franciscans were able to turn California into a totally different land. It went from being the Native American's land to Spain's land, because the missions had control of the Native Americans and their lifestyle had been changed forever."

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